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聚书轩 > 耽美小说 > 迁徙女孩 > 第二十一章 英语学习

第二十一章 英语学习(1 / 2)

 推荐阅读: 天下盛宴1 窥风潭 极品布衣 大秦莽撞人 龙王出狱 逃荒!我捡的反派小可怜称帝了 重生周隋之际 天界淘宝店 一品赘婿 妖娆魔帝独宠天命妻

第139章 英语学习

I’m surrounded by people who are supposed to guied me and some of them have .


and others havent.

They pressure me,theres so much pressure you ve got to be sexy.


youve got to be cute,

youve got to be nice,

youve got to be all these things!

And Im sure you can all relate,you all have pressure that you have to deal with

every day.

Im sure at school,at work,with friends,with parents,with family,parents.
