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聚书轩 > 都市小说 > 梦之战 > 第11章 《逐梦者》

第11章 《逐梦者》(1 / 2)

 推荐阅读: 退圈后我成了绝世手艺人 娘娘娇娆柔媚,觊觎太后宝位 斗罗:从斗四开始俘获女神 乡野桃源小蛊医 皇后娘娘她又美又飒 穿书炮灰,我还能抢救一下 叱诧阴阳之阴阳域 奥特:开局抱紧卡蜜拉 九幽龙帝 从斗破开始投资万界


“Forgotten in the prosperity and beauty.”(被繁华和美丽所遗忘)

“Dreams are not forgotten.”(梦想不会被遗忘)

“Hesitate and attract.”(迟疑和吸引)

“There is no escape.”(无法逃避)

“In an ethereal dream.”(镜花水月的梦境里)

“People are constantly immersed.”(人们不断沉浸)

“Darkness es with despair.”(黑暗的降临伴随着绝望)

“In the midst of this pain.”(在这痛苦之中)


“Dreams bring hope.”(梦想会带来希望)

“Hope will awaken the lost in a sleeping world.”(希望将唤醒沉睡世界中的迷失者)

“Chasing dreams is not about survival.”(追逐梦想不是为了生存)

“It\u0027s to dispel the darkness.”(而是为了驱散黑暗)

“In the name of dreams, fight!”(以梦之名,战斗!)


“Dreams only exist in the heart of chasing.”(梦想仅存于追逐的内心)

“The will exists only for strong people.”(意志仅存于坚强的人们)

“In this bleak world.”(在这个黯淡无光的世界)

“The colorful light will eventually return.”(七彩之光终将重现)



“In the world of drunken gold, fate will not be lost!”(纸醉金迷的世界,命运不会迷失)

“We will eventually return.”(我们终将回归)

“We will lead people around the world who chase their dreams.”(我们将带领全世界中的逐梦者)

“Chasing dreams is not for yourself.”(追逐梦想不是为了自己)
