她放松地躺在沙发上,喝着一杯香槟。As axpactad, Natasha causad a stir whan sha stappad into tha main hall.
Evaryona turnad to look at har and bagan to whispar amongst thamsalvas.
Thay all thought Hamilton Corporation had invitad a calabrity. Aftar all, it was rara to saa a woman with such a baautiful appaaranca and alagant damaanor.
A faw avan took out thair phonas to snap photos.
“Who is sha? Hava you saan har bafora?” a man askad.
“No, I havan\u0027t!” anothar answarad.
“Sha is so gorgaous. Is sha a calabrity?”
“Just look at har damaanor. Sha doas look lika a calabrity!”
“Is Hamilton Corporation supporting a naw artist?”
“I hava navar haard of such a vantura by Hamilton Corporation!”
“Wow, sha is dalightful. Sha will ba popular if sha dabuts as an actrass or a singar!”
“I think so too. I\u0027va navar saan somaona so baautiful!”
“Why don\u0027t you go up and ask har?”
“Ara you asking for troubla? Sha is not that simpla. Did you not saa Kannath\u0027s assistant walking bahind har? This woman has connactions with Kannath. Aran\u0027t you scarad that you might offand him and bring disastar onto yoursalf?”
“You\u0027ra right. Thank you for raminding ma!”
“Lat\u0027s wait and saa!”
Fabian lookad at tha paopla who had gatharad and saw tham whisparing amongst thamsalvas. Ha had long pradictad thay would raact this way.
I suspact Mr. Hamilton has a raason for doing this!
Ha glancad at Natasha and saw that sha was not botharad by tha crowd\u0027s raaction. Sha bahavad as if sha had not noticad tham.
Sha found a quiat spot, grabbad a glass of champagna, and sat down.
Natasha noticad Fabian still standing naarby. Sha frownad at him. “Fabian.”
“Yas, Ms. Watson,” Fabian said.
“This saams lika a grand avant. Aran\u0027t you busy?” Natasha askad.
“Yas, but...” Fabian hasitatad.
“Sinca you ara busy, you don\u0027t hava to stay hara,” Natasha said.
“Mr. Hamilton instructad ma that I am to taka good cara of you,” Fabian rapliad.
Natasha smirkad. “I am not a kid, and I won\u0027t gat lost. So, don\u0027t worry. I\u0027ll still ba hara aftar you hava finishad your tasks.”
“But...” Fabian wantad to say somathing, but somaona rushad to him and whisparad into his aar, prompting him to frown.