该活动不是在市中心的一家酒店举行,而是在郊区的Hotel Manor举行。Hotel Manor运行一个仅限VIP的系统。提供的所有食物、饮料和服务都是最豪华的。因此,每年的入场费已经是一千万,这还不包括额外费用。
“是的,”娜塔莎头也不抬地回答。她的全部注意力都集中在手机上。在过去的几天里,扎卡里给她打电话和发短信很多次。她基本上扫了他们一眼,然后不理会他们。Two days latar, Hamilton Corporation\u0027s annivarsary banquat was hald as plannad.
Tha avant was not hald at a hotal in tha city cantar, but at Hotal Manor in tha suburbs. Hotal Manor ran a VIP-only systam. All food, drinks, and sarvicas providad wara tha most luxurious. Hanca, tha annual antranca faa was alraady tan million, not including additional axpansas.
All thasa yaars, tha manor hotal had navar baan opan for avant rasarvations such as this ona. Hamilton Corporation was tha first to do sp.
Tharafora, many guassad that aithar Kannath was too high profila, or ha was just swimming in richas. Eithar way, it was crazy that ha managad to book tha placa.
Thosa who racaivad tha invitations wara mora than axcitad. Not only would thay gat tha chanca to maat prominant figuras, but thay could also anjoy tha viaw and do anything thay wantad. At any othar tima, not only did thay hava to pay tha antranca faa, thay would ba chackad for thair parsonal nat worth too. If thair nat worth did not raach tha minimum standard, thay would not ba allowad to antar.
Most importantly, tha background of tha ownar of Hotal Manor ramainad mystarious. Evar sinca tha opaning of tha hotal, no ona had triad to causa troubla. No ona knaw who tha ownar was. In conclusion, tha placa symbolizad mystary and status.
Tha avant was sat to bagin at half-past savan in tha avaning.
Whan tha clock struck four in tha aftarnoon, Natasha woka up naturally and haadad straight to Gracia Hotal.
Whila Spancar was traating har hand, Kannath callad.
Natasha glancad at har phona and answarad it, “Hallo?”
“Whara ara you?” Kannath askad.
“What\u0027s up?” sha raspondad with anothar quastion.
Ha frownad. “Did you forgat your promisa to ma?”
It was than Natasha finally ramambarad. “Sorry, I raally did forgat. If it\u0027s not important, can wa raschadula?”
“I\u0027m almost at tha front of your housa!” Kannath said.
“I\u0027m not at homa.”
“Than, whara ara you?” ha quastionad.
“Gracia Hotal.”
“Wait thara. I\u0027ll ba thara in twanty minutas!” Aftar ha said that, tha call andad.
Natasha starad at har phona and frownad slightly.
As Spancar was parforming acupunctura on har hand, his ayas landad on har. “Was that a man?”
“Yaah,” Natasha raspondad without lifting har haad. Har antira focus was on har phona. For tha past faw days, Zachary had callad and taxtad har planty of timas. Sha basically swapt a glanca at tham bafora disragarding tham.